Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Alien sculpture 3 of 3

The final version of my alien sculpture.

Alien sculpture final 2 of 3

The final version of my alien sculpture.

Alien sculpture final 1 of 3

The final version of my alien sculpture.

Alien sculpture glazing

This was the last part of painting the sculpture with a glaze. I used red iron oxide for the skin, painted the eyes with a clear glaze and put wax over the eyes to preserve the original colors.

Alien sculpture process

Here's my sculpture after the first firing. The next step I did was paint the eyes with a red and black underglaze.

Alien sculpture

Wet clay sculpture before applying slip.

Here is step one and two of my alien sculpture. first is the wet sculpture and the second is painted with a light green slip for the skin and white for the eyes. After painting it with the slips it is ready for the first firing in the kiln.

Monday, April 13, 2015

KBO Concept art

concept art
Here are some concepts I did of the KBOs (Kuiper Belt Objects) for the project.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

New Horizons Concept Art

Photoshop Drawing
Here's the concept of the spacecraft New Horizons. Based off the real spacecraft with a mixture of GLaDOS from the game Portal.

Pluto's Moons Concept Art

Photoshop Drawing
Here are the moons of Pluto I did for the New Horizons project. All their designs are represented by their names. Nix is based off of Richard Nixon, Hydra has multiple eyes, Charon is angry because he has a girls name, and P4 and P5 are basically the same, but with slightly different faces.

Pacific Rim Gipsy Danger vs Otachi

Photoshop Drawing
Fan art made in Photoshop of Gipsy Danger fighting Otachi from Pacific Rim.

Pacific Rim Gipsy Danger

Photoshop drawing

Fan art drawing using Photoshop of the mech Gipsy Danger from the movie Pacific Rim.


Graphite Pencils

These hands were drawn using graphite pencils.

Pluto Concept Art

I was chosen to work on an animated short film called "New Horizons For A Little Planet" for the Hartnell College Planetarium. We were commissioned to create a short film for NASA to be shown in Planetariums around the United States.

This was an educations film to explain about the New Horizons project to take photos of Pluto.

Pluto was one of the characters I created and was used in the film.